Thursday, March 15, 2012

The Land of Aliens: Roswell, New Mexico Part One

Julius Caesar was murdered by the Senate, after doing several laws, like giving land to his soldiers and making a calendar, and being a dictator for the Roman Empire. He was stabbed 23 times to death. Beware the Ides of March! He was murdered today, in 44 B.C. Cesar-sa_mort.jpg
In the late 1800's a trading post for horses and cattle, in the Southeast of the state of Texas, was renamed Roswell by a professional gambler (Van C. Smith) who staked a claim in the place, honoring the town after his father, Roswell Smith. In 1890, a big water supply was discovered in this desert, and a newspaper that would be the ones to provide the insight of the "Roswell Incident" the Roswell Dispatch, began in 1891. Also in 1891, a Goss Military Institute was made, later changed into the New Mexico Military Institute. Also, Dr. Robbert Goddard from MA did many of his tests with rocket propulsion there, and combustion engines, the whole deal. He actually paved the way for what we now know as the Space Age. And it happened in Roswell. They made another military school there, the Roswell Army Air Field. A serviceman assigned as the 91st Airbase Squadron as a Control Tower Operator from 1943 to 1945, was Deforest Kelly. You probably know him more as Dr. Bones McCoy, from Star Trek movies and T.V. shows. And he worked at Roswell.

They made a prisoner of war camp in at Orchard Park, holding as many as 4,800 Germans and Italians. In 1948 the Air Force and the Army divorced (there's no other word I can say you'll understand) or broke away, and so the base was renamed Walker Air Force Base. Okay, so now we're in History where you want to be, reader. It was the summer of 1947, July, and a creepy crash occurred on a ranch 75 miles (about) north of Roswell, near Corona. Farmer Mac Brazel said he saw the things and they crashed down. Marcel, a Major Intelligence Officer, told all the radio and newspapers it was some kind of disk. Then after some hours the press release was retracted and the government tried to convince them it was a weather balloon, and a mistake on their part that it fell on the ranch, all this other deal. It was then moved to Fort Worth Texas, and then to Ohio. People soon forgot this strange incident, because I guess people trusted the government more back then and weren't very suspicious of them. It was literally forgotten...until....

In the 70's they closed the base and the population of Roswell decreased by 50 percent. Years later the witnesses from the crash came forward about what really happened, and Roswell received the world's attention. The government had a lot of denials to go through now. Yeah we got you, buckos! Roswell then became a meeting place, a mecca, for people who wanted to go more, and nerds and space maniacs who want to see aliens. Thousands visit annually and their tourism industry has had a lot of boost, with a lot of hotels and even one of the seven themed park McDonald's right there in New Mexico. Even if you don't believe in aliens, you still have to admit Roswell has a lot of cool and interesting history.

Roswell for us is in Roswell, GA, named after Roswell King, which is about as common a last name as Smith. Not a very common first name, however. But as we were on the trip, when we said Roswell and were finishing a breath, many people assumed that we were from Roswell, New Mexico. Like I said, a lot of people know something about Roswell, New Mexico, but not many kids knows anything more than that there are aliens there. Well, I hope I've educated you so far. Now, our adventure in Roswell, New Mexico, began on the 10th of February, waking up and walking the dogs, trying to find a good place to go to the restroom, other than dirt and gravel, which we thought was all New Mexico had in it's plants. Dad opened the back engine, putting the green liquid in. I wanted to make a second Stuck in Space, and I thought of the green goo of Dr. Alexander Goo, who had goo all over him, green in color. We put some of it on a stump. Well, we were going to go into the town of Roswell that day and see what there was to see, about aliens, and where Area 51 was. Mom read there was a National Park somewhere around, so we might see that also. The beginning of a great day began....with a McDonald's, if you'll believe it.

I was hungrier than a bear that morning, and Mom and Dad didn't feed me up until the point of going into the car, Smells Like Dog in hand. My stomach grumbled, and I was like him, I didn't want this to happen either. Stomach and I were both mad about not being fed, especially Stomach. He tells that story to waist and knee, saying that it was worse than slavery, ranting and raving about and so. Mom went to a little post office around the doctor area where some shopping villages, as they call them, were, and we stayed outside across some sketchy trailers and saw a green car pass us. It could be an alien! Off to the races! But I really doubt it. Mom got back in and then we came up to it. The McDonald's. I wanted to get a breakfast burrito in the weirdest McDonald's I had ever seen. It had a white room, going down and a circle, with a top and to the left a large slanting glass auditorium, where the playground was in. Dad, Rebecca, and I all walked in, and Mom stayed inside the jeep, where the parking lot was. The part we entered looked like any fast food restaurant, island with all the silver ware, concession stand, counter with menu on wall and guy by computer with microphone, and chairs all around. A McDonald's.

They had stopped serving breakfast, so it was lunch I received, a little burger. Two, actually. Dad got the same, and I got some milk as we went to sit down in the playground part. I was really weirded out that the McDonald was like this; I had never seen one quite like this before. I was a little bummed I could get no burrito, but oh well. We sat down at a little table, seeing a big playground with slides, little rooms with glass overlooking everything, and all the foam and nets and poles that hold up the other stuff. Rebecca hadn't got anything so she went and went up the thing, as I finished my stuff and spoke to Dad about his Dad's business and how he got into the auto paint industry. Then I took off my shoes, and went up a square tower with leather seats, and played with Rebecca who met a large girl her age named Ashley. They showed me some chambers with the whole steering wheel and graffiti penciled and such, and we went down the slide and into a white place, playing all along. Ashley liked living in such a famous town. When Dad told Rebecca to come down I played with a small Indian kid, and we pretended that aliens were trying to get us. All of this was very fun. It was cool, to be there. I think it's my favorite McDonald's I've ever set foot in. Yeah, totally. There were a whole lot of little kids there. We guessed there was some kind of holiday we didn't know about, perhaps.Or maybe double sessions. Who knows?

Yesterday we had looked at a International UFO Museum and some shops about that, so we were gonna mosie around that area for a while before doing something else. Well, it might take all day; we didn't know. We parked on Main Street, which had some storefronts and brick buildings, all of old 20th Century style. We left the jeep parked on the road, and crossed some intersections, seeing an old hobo with a grey black beard and ski hat, gloves with naked fingers and a big brown jacket, singing for his livelihood with a guitar, sitting on a ledge on a corner of the sidewalk, with his guitar on the ground, money in it. Very gruff voice and annoying tune. Wasn't worth the money. We looked through several empty and out of business shops, with some aliens on computers and little UFO's. It was dark in there. Taking some things with my video, we then walked further on, closer to a large building that looked like a theatre, in a way. It had a large vertical block with the words in faded yellow in a background of blue, :International UFO Museum and Research Center, with some horizontal blocks the exact same way down by the roofed entrance. It was of a grey color, right on the street. We looked at some of the cool posters underneath there, Rebecca and I, before walking in. The day was about to get really weird.

It was a fairly large lobby, with to my left a grey alien, named R.A.L.F., or Roswell Alien Life Form, for short, which a kid devised. Then there was a small UFO above that, and then further on some glass doors to a gift shop. To my right, some benches, a T.V., many pictures of people, and a door down into another room, where many shelves of books were, all filed of course. That was the research area, complete with computers and audio tapes. Then further on to the right was a long counter with desks behind and people who worked there, uniforms worn, and a map with all the cities and many pins. This was in the back of the large high ceiling room, away from us. Mom and Dad were over there, and we walked towards them, video taping all the way. The lady said, in answer to my question, if she believed aliens, that of course she did. Mom rolled her eyes, trying to be polite. We got glossy brochures, of which I got the info from and the picture on the front, as my memory isn't so clear. Not all the history stuff though, I'll tell you where I got that info later in the blog or in another one. The brochure stated that at the end of each month they took off all the pins, documenting it. Then more people come. In 20o1 they recorded their 1,000,000 visitor. They average 150,000 people a year. They pleaded us to sign their guest book.

There was more of a hallway with pictures and newspaper clippings, and little amateur museum panels, white sheets of paper with hard plastic mounts on a peg board sections and aisles, walls. Not a very professional museum, but good as museums go that we have seen on the trip. They told us the admission and we payed, going in. It talked about the air force and I listened to a radio thing and radar pictures of a pilot that heard sounds and saw something on the Doppler Radar. I looked at an old typewriter and some other things. I knew that some of these "sightings" might not be true, or "abductions" but it was cool to speculate. Rebecca and Mom didn't take long in the museum, going around. I didn't see them after some minutes, going into another cubicle along the left wall, on the right, seeing bits and pieces of a "weather balloon" and the report of the guy on the ranch seeing the aliens. There was a radio that I listened to, hearing all the reports. It wasn't the best museum I had been in so far, sure, but it was okay as museums go. I read about the other sightings and how the government shut them up, and all the people who believed them and those that didn't, with all the different bases closing and opening, and also a timeline before and after the first sighting. I left this area for a while. "I don't understand any of this," Mom remarked. Then....I saw it.

IT happened to be a giant UFO on one side of the room, to the left of me, in this big room, kind of square with a medium sized ceiling and all of the museum stuff. The UFO had lights coming out, like the police man's, out of the side, and looked like a saucer. Prior in the museum the guy who saw the alien on his radar, had said that the ship looked like a stone or saucer flying, but it wasn't the architecture of a saucer. But forever the face of a UFO will be a saucer. Beneath this one was rocky terrain, and grey kind of tall Martians, who had no peepeees or butts, really, and had long skinny figures and fingers, huge round heads and those eyes that you always see. I took a lot of pictures, texting also, and then videotaped. It said it was done not by a company, but by an individual. The rest of the museum would be more popular belief and such, paintings and culture of aliens, and the people in 1979 reflecting on the experiences in the late 40's. Then on the news and around the world Roswell,New Mexico, a little Air Force and Army town, got the attention of the Earth. It was just a small town. Was just a small town. Just a small town. A small town. Small town. Town. And then...ALIENS!!!! They must of thought it a good place to land, even though it was a small town and had state parks, national parks, and military bases close by.

At this time, annoyed at having to carry the brochure, I folded it up and put it in my back pocket. It still has those creases to this day. The rest of the museum, to my right, had some paintings and even a cylinder full of liquid with a little alien, white and forsaken. I feel bad for all the R.A.L.F.'s that got captured and were inspected, I mean, who did they harm? Then further on were some comics, and two restrooms at the back. Over a display was some small UFO's. There was a lot of paintings and such of the sort, with not many historical information from this point on. I mean there was prior, but not at the moment. I crossed over to the other side, which had reports of alien abduction from all over the world, and paintings of what the "victims" saw, from everything to saucers to triangle looking ones. Dad was talking to Rebecca on a bench, trying to convince her that aliens had come to the Earth and helped out ancient civilizations, the crop circles that could only come from the sky, there has to be some other life forms out in this huge universe. The pyramids couldn't of been done alone, nor the Easter Island Heads. Dad isn't the abduction nerdy alien guy, but he believes there are other life forms in the universe.

There were a few panels about "Close Encounters" with aliens, and separating them into three kinds. For instance, the 1st kind was seeing an aerial object in the sky, or flying saucer, that had odd lights or some alien technology. There were some reports, plus pictures and everything, of that. The second kind are physical effects of a UFO, like heat, radiation, crop circles, and animals getting scared. I saw a few pictures of that kind of stuff, with more repots and some weird little paintings, abstract, of abductions. Most of the people just want to get famous, I guess, and fake the whole thing out, going away for days on end and then appearing in a weird place, doing the crop circles themselves. I mean, why do the aliens want to look at us and why would they let us go? Whatever, believe what you want. But the third close encounter is seeing "animate beings" or aliens, if you think that is better. I then moved on further along the left side, taking more pictures with the UFO and then going onto the ancient cultures part of the whole alien spectrum, which I read a little about. Then, I saw it. Dad had sat there with Rebecca and tried to hug her, and she ran around, and now I saw it. I had saved this inspection for last.

It was a huge square brown engraving that took up one whole wall of a cubicle, facing me. It had numerous inscriptions and a piece of paper by it telling about it. Some of the figures pointed toward being extraterrestrials, but nobody knew for sure. Then I saw the stuff in Peru that could only be done by "the Gods" or could've been done by the aliens. I had seen a T.V. show on History Channel called Ancient Aliens. I looked at this for a few minutes, and looked to the left also, where there were some things speaking about Area 51, a supposed air force base, and all the people that worked there; how they talked about all the hush-hush that arose. It's in Nevada, nowhere close to Southeast Rowell or New Mexico. I moved along where I came into a kind of corridor, with my parents already by all the acting stuff, which consisted of movie posters involving aliens and T.V. shows also. Then, to the front and right was a surgeon with a mask and gloves performing over an alien on a gurney, that was pale-pink white tissue coming out. Well, the museum basically ended, and even though I didn't see all of it I had read a great deal and now knew what the whole alien thing was about. I went into the gift shop, and saw some books, but none of them would tell a lot more than anything I had seen in the museum, and would probably present some point or be opinionated.

We left. It was a good time there, and even though some of the stuff was nerdy and it wasn't the best museum, it was still pretty interesting to have a source of information into all the Roswell Incident material. I learned a lot from the UFO Museum. Finding Rebecca and Dad on a bench by all those pictures, the hall of fame, we stepped into the sunlight of a mid afternoon day. The rest of the time in Roswell would be a time to remember. Would we see aliens? UFO'S? The rest of the day would be truly exciting. I could only wait....


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