Sunday started as all Sundays start. I had a good night's sleep and I was ready for our departure at RR. Our plan for the day was to wake up, have a good but small breakfast, get dressed, and pick us out a Methodist church to listen to a sermon in. Rolling around Roanoke Valley, we came upon a very beautiful church with a stone structure. This was our first look at Rosemary United Methodist Church. It had a medieval appearance, with it's arched decoration and maple wood doors. A plaque on the center of the doors stated it was organized in 1902 and rebuilt in 1949. I thought to myself: I love this place already.
When I pulled the doors opened I was welcomed by a young man (about 18) with strawberry blond hair and a middle aged woman (about 50) holding bulletins. They were kind and considerate and, noticing us to be strangers, asked us if we were moving to R.V. (Roanoke Valley). We told them our situation (the whole US pitch) and they wished us Good Tiding. Taking the bulletins and going into the sanctuary, we found us an empty pew and sat down. I looked around in exhilarating excitement. Here was a church, that was stationed in the rural south, that had more beauty than that of the pope's cathedral. It had 7 stained glass windows (three on the right side and four on the left) with different symbols of God on them. The first on the left side had a goblet representing his blood. The next (0n the left) had a candle on it representing him being the light of the world. After that came a window with a bag full of wheat in it representing him: He's the bread of life. Finally, on the left side was a flower, and I don't know quite what it represented. Nothing was stated above it (like the others) so it remains a mystery. I guess you can make whatever you want it to be.
On the right side was lamb representing... well you have to know what the lamb stands for.
Next was the David Star, saying Jesus was from the family line of David.
Finally, last but not least, was the God, Jesus and a dove - Father, Son and Holy Spirit, three in one.
As I looked around, I noticed a red-head in a white robe walk on the stage. I later knew him to be Rev. James Bell, known to the congregation as Pastor Jim. He announced upcoming programs, Bible studies, vacation bible school, and people to pray for in the hospital. Next we sang hymnal songs, listened to a sermon about going out into the world to preach the gospel, prayed and dispersed. It was a wonderful service.
After church Dad picked out a very nice looking BBQ restaurant called Ralph's. I had a grilled chicken sandwich, Dad had the buffet, Mom had a BBQ sandwich and Rebecca had a RED hot dog. It was a good meal.
After that, we unset camp and left RR. Down the road, I read my book and contacted friends. We drove across a bridge to Nags Head and set up camp there. Well, I didn't actually. I played on my bike with a nice northern kid from Pennsylvania named Holden. We played for awhile.
Nags Head is a beautiful island. It has a beautiful ocean view with magnificently big sand dunes. I really do wish to tell you more.
Surfing the waves,
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