Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Errand Day

Even on a one-year vacation, there are some days where you have to get errands done. Like that day in PA, when instead of looking at Amish people in wonder, we shipped pillows home and got our hair cut. On Friday , we left Normandy and tried to find a new video camera charger. We found a universal battery charger at Radioshack and then went around and found a verizon card able to provide Internet for 5 computers. Then, we looked around at Borders. It had a sale going on, so Rebecca got the new Guiness World Record Book, and I got the 6th book of the Left Behind Series: Assassins.

Later, we ate a 4:00 linner (a combination of Lunch and Dinner) at T.G.I.F. It was a good Linner.

I then took Rebecca to the movie theatre in Normandy. We also had fun in the kids lodge. At the kids lodge, I was reading a book when 3 fourteen year old girls started rubbing 4 boys' hair. Then they started rubbing mine. It was a weird experience.

Then, later, I went to bed in my blown-up air mattress and had a very vivid dream about singing purses.

When life gives you lemons, make cranberry juice,

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