Saturday, October 15, 2011

Bill Hansen and Darlene

Bill Hansen, a paint provider for my Dad's auto paint business before he sold it, currently lives in the Iowa/Illinois area. Since we were coming up that way, Dad decided to give him a call to ask where we might meet up. He recommended a state park by his house, so yesterday we drove to it. We then tidied up the R.V., putting trash away and making it spic and span. After that, Bill and Darlene arrived in a black minivan sort of car. We went out to greet them.

Bill was thin, and was wearing a long sleeved black shirt, and jeans. He was about 55-60, but you wouldn't think of him as a senior. He kind of looked like Steve Jobs, expect for they were of different heights. Bill was thin, but muscular and stocky at the same time. He had a deep voice and laughed a lot. He is nice.

Darlene was also thin, had blond medium length, and was very nice also. We showed them the RV., and they were very giddy in their "ooos" and "ahhhs". We talked about the trip, and what we've seen, and I talked to Darlene about books a little. She and I both like biographies, and I talked about my recent read of Home Depot. Eventually we left and had dinner at a good restaurant, where Mom and Darlene and Bill had fish, Rebecca had steak, Dad had prime rib, and I had spaghetti. It was a good dinner, and in the dinner we talked about a lot of different subjects, and I enjoyed Bill and Darlene both. It was sad when we left, for they were such good folk. I then went home, and had my bed out, and went straight away to bed and slept for a LONG time.

I have a sinus infection,

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