Well, after I finished the previous blog, I did some schoolwork, and a little Math, History, and Science. Life was going pretty good, and there wasn't much going on. Then, Dad saw some words on a panel on the R.V. in his front seat that said: Check Engine. He checked it, and saw that there was some problem going on. It just so happened that we were on the road close to a truck stop called Cummins. We pulled into that, and said all that happened. We got some necessary possessions out of the R.V., and then put it in the jeep. It was a big, tall building, and had other trucks being worked on in the big garage with all their material. They spotted the danger, and said it was a broken wire on our jake brake. A young man with sleek black hair said it would be ready in a LONG time. It was then 4:00.
We stayed there for a while, boredom rising in that small jeep. I needed to go to the restroom at one point, and so going into the R.V. I saw a plastic tarp over everything. Getting to the restroom, I saw the bed completely overturned and bare. It was weird to see people in our R.V., working on it. I got out.
Dad was helping them a little, but when they said he wasn't needed anymore, we all got in the jeep and rode off. We saw some farms, and also looked at the campground we had planned to sty at. It was called Apple Brook. We then went back, and they said it would be ready at 10. It was then 7:00 (8 your time). We went to the nearby Walmart, ate at a Subway inside of it, and then eventually went back to the repair place. It was 8:30. We stayed in the jeep a while, and then Dad was told it was fixed. We only had to pay $100, and I believe it was worth it.
Dad pulled out in the R.V., and by the exit of the complex, they called him back in to do paperwork. It seemed so long that he was gone and I was in the R.V. alone, (Mom and Rebecca were in the jeep, and I wasn't with them because with all of the stuff in there there was no room) but finally Dad came. We connected the jeep, got in, and rode away. Since the only campground (Apple Brook) was closed, we parked at the nearby Walmart. We took the slides out, but didn't do electricity or water or plumbing or cable. We dry camped, so to speak. That didn't mean we didn't have all that though. For T.V., we had a satellite. For electricity, we used the generator. For water, we used our water pump that is in a tank. For sewage, we used the tank that we can keep it in. So, we were alright.
Still though, it was weird to stay at a Walmart. All the cars and consumers, all the people shopping, it was kind of unruly. It was interesting to watch people get in their cars, and consumers come out. I slept back in Mom and Dad's bed (with Mom) and Rebecca slept in her bed, and Dad in mine. I had a wonderful sleep, and at 1 I saw a truck come in. As the sun rose, I came up front and saw that Dad had a gun on one of my books on the window sill. He himself was asleep, but still it was scary. He has a loaded, cocked gun by his side. He must be really afraid. But it's a Walmart. What would happen here? I didn't answer myself.
So, today, we went into the Walmart and got some things, and then just chilled out for a while. We then pulled out, and I am now speaking to you on the road. At 2 or so (its 12:53 now) we will get at the RV park (not Apple Brook, we decided to go to another one farther away) and then will try to ride around. So, I will blog you later! Goodbye for now!
Please shop(or stay) again,
Wal...I mean, Andrew.
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