Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Drive to Bowling Green, Kentucky

Before I begin this blog post, let me inform you this is the 200th blog post of Bourne's BIG Trip! Isn't that awesome! Thanks for reading and commenting and thank you to those who started from the beginning, reading. It has really been fun doing this, and I hope to get to the big 3. Now to the blog. The 202nd will be Mammoth Cave!

Yesterday we got ready to go and left the R.V. Park at 11 or so. I did some math, talking about cancellation and such, and also blogged about Churchill Downs. I finished the Catching Fire book. Then, after two hours or so, we got to a KOA in Bowling Green, Kentucky. We parked a good ways behind the office and restrooms. We had a good black metal table with four chairs around it. Rebecca and I saw a playground and went to it. There was a big playground boat and other stuff, like swings. Rebecca and I played there for a while. We went over and saw a little chessboard tiled stone with two benches and a lot of plastic chess pieces on it. It was really cool. Mom said we had to take the dogs out, and Dad said if any bigger dogs come, to leave. We went into the dog park and Emma and Rocky did #2. I saw a sign saying to pick it up and saw a box that looked like it had doggie bags in it. Turns out, it had none. And, there was A LOT of dog poop all around, big, white, brown, it was disgusting. Dad would later tell me that the owner was trying to work stuff out, and that this was a KOA in disarray. (I rhymed) I literally had to watch where I stepped. There was like 8 piles of it. Scary.

We left. Then we went back to the playground. I had read my history book, talking about WWI. By this time I wasn't in the playing mood, and Rebecca and I had a back in forth argument about playing or not. She reached for me and I went down the fire pole, hitting my knee on the wooden floor beneath the ship. My elbow also hurt. I yelled for help and Rebecca got Mom. I also texted Mom. I was really hurting, and still am kind of to this day. Mom came and helped me up, and after a while I was fine, just had a hurt bruised up with a scratch. We went back and Mom made a great salad and Dad rich chicken. That was good. In the R.V., I finished the Churchill Downs post and then read a little of Matthew. I got to chapter 7.

I slept with my bed in last night. A pretty good day.

Not going down a fire pole again,

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