Parental Guidance should be used, for this post has a scary account of the history of Halloween, with weird traditions and such. You are warned, and Bourne's BIG Trip is not responsible for any scary dreams which will become out of this post. Please... enjoy. We hope you die with joy when you read this.
P.S. I'm just kidding you know, if you don't believe in what I'm telling you (I don't believe in it either) then you'll be fine. I was just having a little fun.
Halloween began with the Celts of Northern Ireland and Britain, who had a holiday called Samhain, which was on Oct. 31st, which celebrated a harvest to come in Nov, the first of winter for the Celts. They made bonfires, and threw food and such into them as a sacrifice to their gods. They also believed that evil beings and supernatural ones haunted on that night (all a little bit of stupidness) and so they left food out on their front doorsteps so the beings wouldn't do mischief. They dressed up like deer and such and did so so the beings didn't hurt them (making the beings think that they were beings too, but they just had costumes on) and they also cut faces into pumpkins and such so the beings were scared. When Christianity came to Britain and Ireland, the church made them stop the worshiping gods thing and made it a holiday about honoring the dead and martyred saints, like All Saints Day, on the first of Nov. They hallowed the souls at evening, and it was then shortened to Halloween.
The traditions still stuck though, even though the pagans were converted. When Irish and Britain people immigrated to America in the 19th century, they took their traditions with them and people in our country caught on, and many of the traditions evolved into what they are today. Nobody believes in evil spirits now, and no body worships those gods anymore, so today it's just a time to have fun and have candy. Just thought it might be interesting for you to know that.
Okay, we're back at G again. Let me now tell you about what we did for Halloween.
I woke up, and saw a movie on Brain Pop (a website telling cool info about different stuff and they present one video one day. Let me give you an example. On Columbus Day, they would tell about Christopher Columbus. Today's BrainPOP was about Halloween, learning all the info I have just presented to you. I then took a shower and blogged and read and such. Rebecca said Happy Halloween to me. We then all woke up and I scared Mom and Dad, and Day dawned and a new day came on. I got dressed and such, and then we all got ready to go, eating Breakfast and brushing our teeth, then unhooking and getting everything ready to the journey to the next part of Missouri, where we would see Hannibal, Mark Twain's home. We pulled out and got on the road, and during the three hour journey I did a lot of math and a little bit of science. It was fun, I guess, as fun as schoolwork is allowed to be. We then got to a cool little R.V. Park not that big, on a hill, and we parked our R.V. at the foot of it. A nice lady with short hair hair and curls got us all in and then we did the paperwork, right outside the motorhome on a picnic table. She also said H.H.(Happy Halloween, from now on I will say that instead of the long way)
and then we replied thank you. All day Rebecca and I had been thinking of good costumes to where and as we looked around at the office, restrooms, and playground of the R.V. Park we kept thinking of what we could wear. We saw a dirty large red shed with a deck on it and paint having scraped off and wood broken parts. We peeked in, and saw what we thought to look like a moving figure... and... we saw that... IT WAS A... lawnmower! Sorry, I just wanted to scare you there.
We also saw a little office up on the hill, and restrooms and swings and a little playground. Nothing much. But then Rebecca had an idea. "We could be cowboys and cow girls!" she said. I thought it was a great idea. We went back to the R.V., with new found dedication, and in the closet we found my Indiana Jones hat (that we used for a cowboy hat) a little cowboy coat that was brown and hard and stiff. And I used jeans and tennis shoes instead of boots and cowboy pants. Rebecca had jeans and boots, a pink cowboy hat (she got it at the Rapids Jam) and a jacket. We also got my two fake cowboy guns, and became cowboys.
We went to dinner at a restaurant named Kelly's, and on walking in, we saw the person at the door at a podium with a ninja turtle costume on, and as we were lead to our table, I saw a girl with a costume of a devil and another girl with a costume of a guy. (If you can believe it! H... She... sorry... had a fake beard on and boy clothes on too.) We also saw a cute girl with a costume of a cowboy (like us) on. We were a trio. We even took a picture with her.
The food was good and we later left, then came back to the R.V. Park. It was cold now, and we prepared to go inside, not trick-or-treating because we couldn't find a neighborhood or another place to do it. An old man came out of the R.V. beside us, a little pull-behind. "Hey," he said "have you trick or treated yet?" We said we hadn't. He told us he had some candy, and he asked us if we wanted to do the whole getting candy operation. We said yes, and he went and closed the door. We knocked and said Trick or Treat, and he gave us some M&Ms. Although we didn't go treating a lot, we did do one house thanks to a very nice man. Thank you!
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