I have shared frequent discussions with friends, and will speak more to them in time to come. You appreciate everything a lot more after you haven't seen them in 6 months; for instance, us having all this space and workroom, and all the beds.. and bathrooms. Oh the bathrooms! Not having to wait for a long time for someone to finish up or running many yards to go in a filthy old campground bathroom, it is such splendor! Having seven bathrooms, all to yourself, one between my room and Rebecca's, one in the basement, one in the older part of the house, one outside on the deck in a courtyard thing, one in Mom's room, oh the joy! It's really been great to have all those places to... do your business, and very roomy indeed. I will be very grieved to leave again, but it will be very much easier than the first time, knowing how much fun things we've done and had and that it's not as hard as it sounds. I will be sad to leave on January 2nd or 3rd or 4th or what ever it is, but at least I know it will be easier. I plan to see my old schoolteachers in the weeks to come, most of my school friends, and all of my close family members. I still have a few left. It should be a fun and cool time to have. I look forward to it indeed.
Well, I should probably as well get to the blog, I believe I have exhausted the last subject, squeezing out it's details like an orange and sucking all of the sentences out like the refreshing water of a water bottle. Although, I believe I could write more. Oh well.
We basically played with the toys in my mom's room after waking up. Late in the morning while we were saving the universe and fighting evil villains of mass destruction, Mom went to a skin doctor, a dermatologist or something of another. I would hate to have to look at people's skin and examine and help it, I hate doing anything where you see blood or are grossed out. Rebecca and I played a long time. Now, as you know I like books, people and adults, but I AM a kid, and like to play sometimes. So we did. And I also blogged. When Mom came back she asked me to write the Christmas Letter, a letter in which we do every year and has been presumably written by me for the first 10 years of my life. Last year I told Mom I wanted to write it (she had said it was me writing it, but it was really her), and I did. Mom had been bugging me to finish it and to at least get started upon it today, and so I wrote it in about 15 minutes or so. It's an okay letter, you should get it in the next few days or so. I then blogged some more.
I begged Mom for something. I wanted exercise, to go to the park and walk, to stretch my legs. She said sure and asked Rebecca if she wanted to go. She didn't. We took the dogs in their harnesses and their leashes, and got in the suburban, driving to the park. It's really close to our house. We parked in a little parking lot where we saw to the left a sign, small pavilion, and water fountain, also a baseball field with all of the things you would see there, a hill, and a forest on one side, a trail between those places. Further on was an awesome playground. I'll describe it as my characters go along. It was a bright blue sky day two days ago, and the birds were singing and the wind was in my face. The dogs were loving being walked and seeing this new place too, they do run around in our large fenced in yard but... it's not like walking them. They were sniffing new pine cones, peeing on new fences and trees, and trying to chase new squirrels. Pretty funny. Rocky went to the restroom A LOT. You couldn't stop him with a bulldozer, two alligators, a laser gun, 50 million falling books, and a bursting water tower. You could probably stop him with Dad though. He has a way with dogs. He's trained rottweilers.
We passed by the creek and the bridge that goes to my old School, RNE, and looked with contemplation as we saw one of the fields for recess, the big black turf, two playgrounds, the red brick school in the background, and many, many kids. We went back over the bridge and looked at the pretty sparkling water in the stream, some going fast and some by the pretty wet damp muddy plants. Just beautiful aren't they. Very beautiful. We went by the kiddy playground, the one I USED to play on, with the tree and the low branch that stretches out(had a lot of memories there) and the all colored metal structure with the twisty slide, ladder, and all the other things. It's by a gutter. The playground may be fun but the gutters more fun. When the creek is really really down one time I went with my buddies and walked under the big round sewer thing, and we played like we were in a time machine going to the Jurassic period. The water was at our feet, it was hard to walk under there, but it was super fun. We passed by the fenced in little kiddy playground, a slide, swings, seesaw, and fake animals and dinosaurs people ride that they go back and forth on. There's a little platform in that area though. Nothing big.
Our park is really gigantic. We've seen city parks all around the country, now, but most of them don't beat this. Do other ones have a recreation center, complete with dance rooms, lounge area, pools, a pond, an art center, two schools right by the park, two tennis courts, and a a playground and a walking trail? Most don't. Now I've made a point.
We saw it, the huge two red and green towers, the three floors of awesomeness, the ladders, four slides going down all levels, monkey bars, and walkways connecting them. This was the Twin Towers, the King and the Queen, the Red Tower and Green Tower, famous all around the Fulton County and surrounding ones, the....well, we don't really have an official name for it. How about, big kid playground? Anybody? Well then. We saw the big hill going up to the rec(recreation center) and it itself, with the long twisty drive up there. We saw the pavilion and bathrooms for the park. Then we turned left, having another field on our right and a forest on the left. I have had a lot of football practices there. I've had a lot of adventures and memories in the playground, like playing tag and almost kissing a girl.(no comment) I've had a lot of memories in the whole park. It's really cool. Mom and I were just enjoying this, and Mom answered a phone call, and then we walked on, passing the field and getting into the trail. We ran at parts, and came into a big parking lot where there was two fields, kids doing some kind of game on it. P.E. for CMS, the school I'm to go too. Cool to see your peers doing push ups and a lot of other things and be a speculator, not being with them. Eerie too.
I didn't see anyone I knew though, but as we went into the forest, I ran with Rocky, adrenaline pumping. He's a cool dog. We stopped at a bench and waited for Mom, seeing another field close to Crabapple with more kids on it. I saw a few figures I believed I recognized, but most were 7th graders, siblings of my friends. We went into some familiar spots, and then went by the CMS building, the school, and it's red brick too. It's really cool how my old school and my untouched (means I haven't been to it yet) are both right close to each other. I still didn't see any friends as I went up that long hill with the wall and CMS on one side and a fenced in place where they keep cars (fence, barbed wire, electric shock and all). We went up and saw more of the school, then seeing the big parking lot with trees and the sign, seeing the recreation center, which is ALSO brick. We walked down seeing the pools and the art center by the pond, and the buses where CMS was. It has a fence also. People are very contained and private in this part of town. I can see why my friend Henry who goes there calls it a... prison.
The pond is beautiful, with the flagpole, spurting fountain, and grass and bridges. The art center is a little white cream rock building with statues and sculptures all around it. We went into another trail, and miraculously ended up by our car again. We got the dogs in the car and drove away, going back to the house and changing into different clothes. I had a banana and then we got ready and left to Olivia's Basketball Game.
She goes to a private school called Perimeter, and it is a nice school with a sanctuary, gym and other things. It's yellow, white brick with many towers, and we walked into a part which had yellow white brick column things, which said Bricks on them. Duh, I thought, do you have to name EVERYTHING? I later learned that it was a cool Sunday school class people have on Friday's. We walked into a big cool metal area with lounge chairs, different rooms, a balcony above (kind of like our Dod) and even a rock climbing thing! We walked to a different room with pictures of black and white people at the school, having large letters over the people. People on a stage doing a play had letters saying DRAMA, and kids working in a classroom were ACADEMICS. Sophie was on one of them. To the left in this carpeted area was a corridor where a lady was at a table, taking money. I wonder if Tami0 has to pay to see Olivia play basketball. Maybe visitors do and parents don't. HMMMMMMM.........
We walked into a pretty large gym with blue and yellow everywhere, Perimeter's colors, and saw the floor with the eagle in the middle (their mascot) and the bleachers on either side. Olivia's team was the white ones, and they were shooting baskets with basketballs, practicing and warming up. Another team, blue from Mount Pisgah, were also practicing. They went through some routines, and stuff. We sat down by Pop, saying hello to him, and got on the back row of the bleachers. A buzzer sounded, and Olivia came up, thanking us that we can and hugging us, and then she ran back out again. She took off her jacket she had on, now having just jersey and b-ball shorts. She got water, and everyone else did as she did. We talked, commenting on the game in many ways. The players got into position, and the numbers on the score board set up, saying that it had seven minutes in the first quarter. I was excited and glad to be there, to see Olivia play, and then to write about it. I got to talk to Pop a little before the game began. And then it did. It began. And it was to be a pretty awesome game.
Olivia was a good defender, and as the game progressed, she blocked some pretty good shots. It was very exhilarating to watch, seeing baskets made and people getting knocked down. Olivia is number 3. A girl on the opposite team who was a wonderful athlete and was African American, also being #5, blocked a lot, stole a lot, and shot a lot. She did a weird thing where on foul and free throws she would close her eyes, make her hand go out, take a deep breath, and then balance on her toes, squatting. She then dribbled, moved the ball around, warmed up, and shot. And she was a pretty good shot. She made 3/5 of all shots she got, I believe. For some reason though, when she did that strange process, Pop would turn or shiver or say it bothered him. Why? Only he knows. There are some things people naturally hate or think is weird. I don't like touching my own jeans. It makes me have goosebumps. I also hate to look at my nose. It's just me. I bet the reader could name some things it naturally likes and dislikes, can't you? If you are able to, please post some if you are comfortable doing so, on the comment thing. I would be very interested to know.
Pisgah took the ball, Perimeter blocked, Pisgah made basket, white (Perimeter, blue is Pisgah) took back, and it was very interesting in the next moments. Multitudes of scores were mades, and we cheered along as Perimeter lead 15 to 11. But then it happened. Pisgah: 12, then 13, after that 14, and then, it was tied. It was a good game as it came into the 20's. Shoot. Block. Grab. Dribble. Block. Fall of opponent. Referee whistle. Profane remark from coach. Such is the game of Basketball.
The 30's came, and in the last few seconds of the fourth quarter Perimeter came out of 29 into 30 and 31. From 33 Pisgah got into 34, and I was screaming, hoping, that we would get those few points. 32, one minute left! 33, one point left! 20 seconds, 19, 18, we can win, 17,16,15, please Perimeter!, 14, 13, we CAN DO THIS, 12, 11, 10, COME ON, COME ON, 9,8, 7, Olivia blocks the #5 from getting a goal, 6,5,4, 3, I'm peeing in my pants, 2, 1, NOOOOOOOO!, as the buzzer rang out. We lost by one point. I was so disappointed. All we needed was one more point. Olivia came over, after getting her stuff. It was fun to watch though. I had a lot of fun watching it. After the game was over we all went into the pictured area again, and we said good try and awesome playing to Olivia as she came out with her bag and jacket. Olivia was there when I left to go to the restroom, but when I came back Mom told me Olivia went with Rebecca somewhere upstairs. I went into a big upstairs lobby but still did not find her. I did see Pop, as he was leaving, and and told him goodbye. Jeff invited us to come to dinner at Stony River, and we went back down to Mom, where Rebecca and Olivia were both standing. I felt as they ditched me, and I told them so. "Sorry, Alley (friend of hers I met) had to put her book bag up so we went with her. Had no intention of ditching you." And I believe them. Do you?
We did go to Stoney River, I went with Olivia and Rebecca. It wasn't too far away at all from the school. It was fancy inside and nice, as we sat down around a large booth. The dinner was large and fancy and great, even though we just came from basketball, not the Queen's Palace. Olivia ate a lot of rolls, and I had a good chicken and mashed potatoes meal. Since Jeff's birthday was in two days, that night we celebrated with him having a cake. We sung to him, even though we would do it again in two days time. We talked about the prior day, Pearl Harbor, and Pop described it as he listened to FDR utter those famous words and how he collected old aluminum and made victory gardens. You learn about those things in history and then you hear someone you know say he was there when it happened, or he lived when it happened. Pretty cool. We talked of other things too, like school and their basketball seasons, teams and stuff. It was a good time.
After dinner, Pop went to the restroom and everyone else got outside. Mom was going to go to the car, but, as I wanted to say goodbye to Pop, left me to go with Uncle Jeff and Pop to take Pop back to his Toyota Sedan, which was in the Perimeter Parking lot. On the way over we talked about technology, and also stat, which Pop was puzzled about. He heard it being said in a E.R. room, as in the doctor saying to a nurse, "I need some A-Positive blood S.T.A.T.!" I looked it up online and found out it was a Latin phrase for quickly, and stat were the first four letters of it. That's when the technology conversation started up. We took Pop to his parking lot and then went back. Jeff and I had some pretty good conversations as we drove to their house in that cool neighborhood, to stay for a good thirty minutes and hang out for a while. I talked to Madelyn while being there, and also put up ornaments on their huge 13ft tree, that had pink velvet all on it, reaching higher than their winding staircase, and was real! Amazing in my opinion. We put on beautiful... and fragile ornaments, one Santa having it's platform broken (not my fault). We sang to Christmas music, and I looked at some of the things having old pictures of the girls and little drawings they made. Cute. When I was introduced to the huge tree, I joked to Sophie by looking as if I didn't take notice of the big Christmas tree, then going to an open room by it with a piano and taking up a small little plant. I praised it and complimented her on the design, saying it was great, suburb, and that I loved it. She had her mouth out wide and was trying to show me it was the big one. I looked up on it. "Huh, I didn't even notice it. It's so small, you know." I later proclaimed I was kidding.
After Sophie took my red UGA ball cap(that I didn't really like, I placed it on a bench at the start of Olivia's game, then getting it at the end of it. Funny it stayed there. I really don't care what happens to it. It's two tight is why I don't like it), I ran to get it and went all over the house running after her. I finally got it on the top floor, where she hid it under her bed. After a little struggle, I got it and put it back on. It was getting late so we left. We said goodbye, went home and went to sleep. A great day.
This blog post is so short. I know I can do better. I'm sorry, my readers,
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