Saturday, December 17, 2011

Rearranging closet, Bookstore, Two Blogs done, Connecting With Koalas, chill out, steak n'shake, letter to davids

This is the list of things I wanted to do two days ago:

1. Blog about Dentist and David's
2. Blog about Lake and Shopping
3. Finish Grimm Fairy Tales
4. Write letter TO David's
5. Clean out Closet.
6. Write first chapter of Elf book

I woke up and blogged a little, then taking a shower and getting ready for the day. I talked to Julie about the elf thing, and she told me she wanted a printed version of the first chapter. I had failed her in that the day before, and so I was on a short string. Later after staying around and just chilling I had a breakfast of good bagels, and I went back upstairs to blog. But, as Julie was still there, I wanted to rearrange and take out some things in my closet. Julie is a good organizer. We went into my blue room and turned on the light for the white material closet, with the cabinets, drawers and areas where shirts hung. There were books, and old things, as we cleaned some of it out. I found little toys and trinkets, and at one point I found a huge dirty folded up white piece of paper, unraveling it I found it was part of a sign that said go gators, when I was on that team in flag football. To this day I remember going through it, taking it and giving it to Mom, and here it is in here. Julie took out some of my old cleats and other little shoes I kept, throwing them in a pile by my bookshelf. There were old jeans that didn't fit me, but not a lot of thrown out shirts, just about five. One where I was in a walking club, another GA bulldog shirt, nothing special. The ones I want to keep for a long time are the jerseys of my teams I've been on in all sports. We went left and saw my old cowboy boots and vest, which I want to keep forever, and going further left an old army helmet, a stuffed animal and a toddler sized notepad (probably bigger) with drawings of me, BlueMan, fighting evil. You can barely see shapes and different planets we were on, but it was there. Now I can see how bad an artist I was. It was cool to see all the scribbling that was done when something blew up, and the names of the planets and my friends turned into characters. Pretty fun. Rebecca came in at one point and asked me to come out, and on the back porch I said hello to Randy Brannon, a family friend. He had a white beard and being a nice guy. I went back up to finish after talking a little.

We went on the right side again, cleaning out a spot and moving the books to make them look good. My closet looks really good now, thanks to Julie. Thanks Julie! As for that large pile of clothes and one book I didn't want to keep, Julie said to separate them into things to give to Will, my younger cousin, and things to give to Goodwill or North Fulton Charities. She told me to go get a trash bag and put them in. Then she had to leave for work. I took the huge pile into the den, and Mom told me it would be better to get a cardboard box and put the shoes in a white trash bag if logic allows. "Take the clothes down and put them in the box, which is in my little bedroom." I was already jumping down the stairs, and did not hear it really. I brought the box up THERE, and put the piles in, using a white trash bag for the shoes and putting a few for Will. She said I should've done it opposite because now it would be so heavy to take it down, but oh well. It's not the end of the world. Or is it? Could me not doing what she said unleash a growing anger from Moms, who's anger at me not saying thank you for her making me breakfast or for me not cleaning my room? Will their burning steam and anger unleash a war between parents and their children, destroying civilization as we know it? Well, I don't think so. It's probably not logical.

After putting all that in the box I went to organize my dresser, which I did by straightening my 7 book series, The Chronicles of Narnia. I love those books. The allegory, symbolic things in it, the Christian aspects, the wonderful adventure, awesome detail; their really great. I've read them at least three or four times through in a row, for all of them. Looking at those treasures I saw a book I never really looked at for a long time, Narnia Beckons, a big blue book which had all the symbolic stuff revealed. It was very interesting as I flipped through it, seeing the names how they met things in different languages or how they related to things in the bible. Those books are really wonderful. I recommend them to anyone who likes original fantasy or something to think about... or someone who just wants to read a good book. I was reading that as Mom came in, telling me we were going to go to a bookstore that Mom met a 20-25 year old who went on a one year trip too, and he likes books. It was at once and again bookstore, and we drove over with four books, two of the Left Behind Series and Narnia Beckons and The Grimm Fairy Tales. I finished the Grimm book as we rode over, doing it with a story called the Golden Goose. I'm glad I read it. Interesting to read an old version of fairy tales I know. I finished it on the day the guy died. Kind of weird.

We had the left behinds to give them to the used bookstore, because we no longer wanted or needed them. We walked in with those. It was a small store with other stores by it, all connected on a hill by the road. It had a gold and red sign that was kind of cool. We walked in. So by now I had 2 out of 6 things done. I was making good progress. Mom had met the guy while I was at RDPH recording a play, the night we played pearl harbor with Libby and them. She had opened conversation talking about me, and she wanted to introduce me to him. His name is Matt, and I didn't know much else about him. I knew he went on a trip with his mom in Europe, and that he was in his 20's, went to a high school that Barrett(a cousin of mine) went to, and that he liked books. That's not much about a person. So I was prepared for anything. Even a little alien from Mars who likes peanuts. But it wasn't that. Not even close. As we walked in seeing a lot of shelves with signs above them telling what genre, we saw a counter on the right too with a guy who waved to Mom and another girl with a pony tail and glasses. He shook hands with me and said hello, and I said I was Andrew and he said he was Matt. He had a little orange beard up to his skin, and was thin and kind of tall. I expected a deeper voice but he had a regular one, like a one I had. I thought it would be deeper because in that time period your supposed to get a deep voice. Oh well. Mom had gotten me a left behind book, like 7 in the series, that she thought I hadn't read, but I had. We also gave the first two of the series for donation. He talked about going in France and Spain, and some of the things he learned and saw, us relating our adventures too. It was a fun time. Later as we looked in a section where number 8 and 9 were in the Left Behind Series, Matt showed me a book called Redwall about mice and other animals who protect a place from other bad animals. We got the first one, Matt determined I would enjoy it.

I loved being at a bookstore and seeing the numerous and increased amount of books, each one with a story to tell, to share, to write. As I looked for classics, I saw literature in the front, seeing War and Peace and a few others like Hard Times, but not any I felt I was interested in. Their wasn't much I liked in mystery either, and of course none in romance. Science fiction had a few star wars books, but I only really like the movies. I saw Christian Fiction which had a few things, but not much, and then young adult which didn't have anything I like. Children's was delightful but less than helpful, me not finding classics. I saw Psychology which was weird, to say the least, and historical stuff was interesting, Matt showing me a book about the forming of a town from the ice age to modern day. It looked very intriguing as he showed me that and another closely related, but it had some inappropriate parts to it so we didn't buy it. He showed us a book about a storyteller in Ireland, and it looked cool too. We bought that one, a book for Rebecca, two left behind books, and I think Mom got some for herself too. I still couldn't find the classics, and asked Matt about it, and he showed me a single little shelf in the very back you couldn't ever know was there, and I saw all kinds of classics that I loved and ones I wanted to read. We had already bought too much though, and Mom was on her way out. I went away regretfully. Oh well. Maybe we'll get some on another time. We said goodbye to Matt after staying a long time and meeting a nice guy. I look forward to meeting him again.

At home we talked, had a good lunch and later I finished the dentist blog. I started the lake one but we later left to pick up Rebecca's friend from her school, RNE, where I used to go. We were to go by where the walkers group is, people who walk to school because their so close. If you look at our house, we are a good few minutes away, just a few minutes walking time. When we were there we used to always walk over and go to class. She wasn't normally a walker, only one because it was easier for her to be that day and us to pick her up. I got a banana and we started walking. We went down on the sidewalk of the road,seeing opposite neighborhoods and the trees and forest on our right side. By and by we got up to the Noethling's (our neighbors) rock wall, which got up to a peak and then got smaller and smaller. We looked upon their little farm house, and came on the sidewalk that has their mailbox and driveway on the left. Then we got to by the school, crossing across a small way and coming up to the school. It had a parking lot that went downhill to a large area where buses parked and people got on, and also a lot of kids. We went into where there was some cars, and talked to a nice family that lives behind us, the Easterly family. Nice people. After seeing them Mom told me to go look for my tag teacher Mrs. Richardson who also helps out with buses, and I left the two, going through kids to the roofed big area where teachers and kids stand, seeing a few good people I knew. But I didn't find her.

I saw an old lady assistant I knew I knew but didn't know her name, and looked into the lobby with the pillar, green and white floor, cafeteria on the left, and the big office on the right. Through windows I saw an old sub I really liked who then became to work in the office, Mrs. Thomas. After trying countless times to put me in her vision (moving so I faced her eyes, trying to get her to notice me) I ended in failure. Then I went right and other places, looking for Mrs. Richardson. As I came back from going right on that platform, I saw her, glasses, with hair going down in a swoop on both sides, dark skin and a stout figure. She is a nice and funny women, who I loved when I had her in T.A.G.(Talented and Gifted; class I was in; some people call it Tall and Goofy, I am that too) I said hello, we hugged and she let out exhausts of "IT'S SO GOOD TO SEE YOU! HOW HAS THE TRIP BEEN?" We talked for a while in excitement, her saying stuff like, "I knew you were going to like it" and "when are you guys gonna head back out?" We talked as she placed pieces of papers on buses, identifying the colors and numbers of them when they were to be called in the classrooms. I went inside the lobby with Mrs. Richardson's say so, seeing signs on the doors of the office saying no one could come in. Never the less though, Mrs. Thomas, short haired with black hair and a nice personality saw me, and, unlocked the door and let me in. We hugged and I explained the whole essence of the trip, where we've been, what it's felt like, how we've managed, stuff like that, particularly school and Rebecca. Possibly my readers know all of that. Maybe not new time readers I met in only a little while ago, but I hope most of you can share some stories off the top of your head. It doesn't matter though. Hey, while I'm talking about this, sorry if any of my blogs are too long or stressful. From different people I've been told to trim it down shorter, but I like writing, detail, and I want to be able to have this when I get older. I want to have a journal that won't perish, and thoughts that won't die in my mind, that will last on this technology wonder of the 21st Century. If their too long, I'm sorry, but if not so for the diligent and bored reader who has nothing to do, your welcome. I don't really know where I am going with this so let's get back to the blog.

Two other ladies, a miss Libby and another that I can't put a name on were interested also, and asked for the blog. I wrote it down as I later said goodbye, walking out and talking to the parents of some of my friends who work on the PTA (Parent Teachers Association) and help out with the school a lot. Mrs. Salavdori, a tan nice women who is the mother of a friend of mine, Nina, and Mrs. Cranna who has brown hair and is the mother of a friend named Ryan. Mrs. Eck is the mother of Ryan Eck, and their both nice too. Mom came over from talking with someone in the parking lot as she came over. It was really cool to see my old school again. All the memories, drama, pain, fun, humor, love, hatred, disgust, friendship, and other aspects of a life were formed here. Good times. Lost times.

I asked Mom if I could stroll down the Fifth Grade Hall and see some of my teachers. I got my wish. I went down passing by a few teachers and going into one ever going hallway, seeing black-in-white pictures my mom shot that were still there even in her absence. Passed the door to the stairwell, Mrs. Smith the Principal's (have another Mrs. Smith at the school who is science lab lady) office, and a nurses office. I went by and saw all the new and improved signs telling what class it was, and saw familiar signs of Tag and actually two new ones, two fourth grade classes that must of been moved. I saw Wesolowski though, and although I didn't say hello to the guy I saw him in the room, and he was some of my friends' teacher. I saw then Almeyda, my old Social Studies Teacher. I found her in her room with a fresh new batch of fifth graders, her perched on her normal stool. I said hello as she shot me a double take. "Hi", she said as her face lightend and she saw me. She has short hair and is rather old but her hair is orange or brown. She asked me how the big dogs were, but I didn't get what she meant but as I asked her what she meant she said frankly. "Middle school..."

"OHH! I traveled across the nation for 6 months and so I was being homesc...."

"Oh yes right now I remember! How has THAT been?" I told her about everything, and said we had learned a lot of Social Studies stuff. I had a good conversation with her. She's a nice lady. I then left her, passed by classrooms as I heard T.V.'s making sounds as dismissal began, kids getting out and leaving. I passed by Murphy, and Glover whom I had seen the day before. Mrs. Murphy I had no class with, so I know little to nothing about her. Same thing with Mr. W. (has long name, you heard it mentioned earlier), but I've heard things about him. I didn't see Mrs. Mihich the IRR teacher, but I hope I will while we're here. I did see the wonderful Mrs. Bird though, at the end of the hall by the door going outside. She was my Language Arts teacher, my homeroom, and has taught me an unlimited amount of information about the art of writing, how to write and has helped me get to where to use similes (it was as dark as Daniel's cell when the lions lay in wait for him) and hyperbolies (this blog is as long as Santa's Christmas List) and other techniques and stuff. She gave us info for homeschooling material, and she really has helped me achieve what I can do now in more ways than one. Thank you, Thank you Mrs. Bird. She has brown hair and is silent, nice, amusing and funny. As she stood out there telling people goodbye and just looking down the hall, we talked and had a long vivid discussion of writing, reading, Rebecca, the dogs, Mom and Dad, and several other aspects of the trip. She seemed very interested and glad I was home as I also learned of new things they had done this year and we laughed a little. She's awesome and I'm so glad she was my teacher.

I found out from her though it was a little before 3, and I remembered that Mom wanted me to come out by three and to go to the haircutter, who is my sister Lauren. I seem to have a lot of resources and people I know who do things I don't like to have done. A blessing and a curse rolled into one like a cheap candy from a bankrupt company in the 1930's who's candy is used in trick or treating, the kids only barfing. Ok, that was a weird and complex simile. Sorry Mrs. Bird. Anyway, I headed out and saw Mom with Rebecca and Keely ready to leave. Keely is funny and crazy, has blonde hair and is Rebecca's good friend. We walked home and they played as I finished the last blog and played outside a little. I didn't get to write that story though. Later, way later in the day Dad told us we were going to put a Camaro (a car) to a guys house for him to test drive it. We drove in the sports car and Mom's suburban, and as we parked the awesome white and orange car in their driveway, then driving away, we went to a Steak'n'Shake and had a good meal, Keely still there. I wrote an opening bit of the elf thing. We then went back home, got Keely's stuff together, waited for her Mom to come, in the R.V., and then when she came and took her home we went to bed. I did a lot of productive things that day. It was good. I basically did all my list had, not doing a CHAPTER of the elf book but a good bit of it. A good day. At the very end of it right at 10:45, I finished writing a thank you letter to the David's. I used it off of the computer, but by accident I exited out, erasing all I had written. It was at the end so I used my memory and winged the ending. This one I can't show you. Oh well. I then put it in an envelope, wrote both addresses, and then placed an american flag stamp. I then went to bed!

I'm hearing ice being broken in a bathtub by Rebecca as we speak,

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