Saturday, September 17, 2011

Aunt Linda Part Two(Sept 14 cont.)

Dave led us into a nicely ordained treatment room, open and filled with patients. In other sections were more spaces, for the patients who needed more privacy. We also saw Dave's office, a break room, and a brushing room. A chart in one room had people taking pictures before and after they got braces. That was very cool too.

After the tour, Dave showed us pictures of Alexa and Connor, Dave's children. Then, after a brief conversation where Dave encouraged me to get braces, we said goodbye to him.

We got back in the jeep with Aunt Linda, and directed our GPS off in the way of the R.V. Park. It took a long time, seconds into minutes, minutes into an hour. In this time we got out of Defiance, into Finley, and out of Finley, into the land of corn. An hour and 9 minutes passed, and we came into sight of Twin Lakes R.V. Park. We drove in, and I pointed to our R.V. which was right behind the office. Aunt Linda thought it looked nice.

We parked the jeep, and Dad got off the phone and welcomed us. We gave Aunt Linda a tour, showing her everything save the roof and engine.

Later, we got into chairs and had frequent conversations, from to knights of the round table. It was all very fun, and we had a good time.

The talk shifted to less important things, such as politics and world affairs, and Rebecca and I went to go play, to do something useful. We went over to the playground, and played a character game in which a redneck father and little girl go on many adventures, and do everything from jump off trains to go back in time. It was fun.

When we came back, we watched a beautiful sunset balancing off the gleaming farm. Then, Dad cooked chicken on the grill, and Mom made a salad, putting the chicken on top.

We all ate, and talked while the salad shrank and shrank. Then we each had deserts and we sat by the campfire, talking.

It got late, but I had a wonderful time, talking and updating with Aunt Linda. She's so nice and pleasant to talk to.

We ALL took her back home, and by the time we got to her house I was close to sleeping. I am told I said goodbye to Aunt Linda, but I have to admit that I can remember none of that. Anyway, at least I think I did.

I really enjoyed listening to Aunt Linda; she is very interesting and kind and smart. I love having her as my great aunt.

The night slowly ended, and when we got home I came down on my parents' bed with a PLOP! not to wake up until 9, an all- time late for me. That night, I slept like a baby.

Thanks for reading, and please come back soon. (Sometimes I don't even know if anyone reads this!)

Nancy Grace is on Dancing with The Stars?,

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