Monday, September 5, 2011


I am sad to inform you of this, but on Saturday, Rebecca was feeling a little bit off. She then was very sick in the night, and in the morning Mom and Dad took her to an Urgent Care Center. I stayed at home, not thinking them to be too long. They were gone for three hours. That's too long.

I watched T.V., blogged, read, and took a shower, and talked with friends. It was a boring and lonely time.

Mom texted me and she said Rebecca had strep. Very sad.

When they came home, I was never more happy to see a black jeep. I literally ran out to meet them. Then, Rebecca was groaning and moaning. Mom said she would stay there with Rebecca, and Dad and I would go see the famous Spy Museum. I was sad that Rebecca was sick, but happy I was going.

Dad and I went in the jeep, and for the next few hours had a terrific bonding experience. In the long car ride, we told stories, talked, and had a fun time talking.

In the jeep, we parked in a parking garage. Then, we got out and went into a little building that was touching other buildings. This was the International Spy Museum.

In the building, were many men in black leading people around. I taped for a while, but one of the men said I couldn't and that "no private footage should leave this museum. "

We got tickets for the museum, and got in line for the exhibit, which was to go into up an elevator.

We were led up to a floor, and when the door opened, everyone stepped out and were met by two men in black. "This is the selection room," one said, "and here you will select your alias. You will later be interrogated by someone and you must remember your alias."


On pillars, there were many different profiles. "Oh, here's mine," Dad said, as he pointed to a profile of a 48 year old fisherman. He forgot all the other info. I picked mine to be a fourteen year old named Billy Henderson, who was born in Abello, Spain, and was currently housed in the United States. For my "vacation" I was going to London, England. I was also British. So, I decided to start up my part.

"Well, this should be very interesting, old chap. Shall we go on." (Additional to my accent, I added a young flare to it.)

Dad laughed.

All were lead into "The Briefing Room" where there were many seats on a platform. Lower down, there was a screen with the words: International Spy Museum. Our back was to a lit up map of the world, with red pinpoints and targets.

We got into our seats, and the movie came on.

"Espionage. It is an art full of deceit, trickery, and deadly information. It has a long history, fROM Moses to the Cold War. Gathering information is usually a hard task. Some do it for the money, the adventure, must do it in a state of patriotism to one's country. So, do you think you have what it takes to be a spy? We'll see, won't we?"

It then ended. We were led out, and told to go in a room full of gadgets and gizmos. They said we should learn all about them, seeing the facial disappearance kits (changing what people look like) and umbrellas that were underneath, guns. There were a lot of different materials, from purse cameras to battery bombs. That was a lot of fun to see all those spy tools. Even a pigeon was listed. It was a spy camera.

Perhaps the coolest thing in that room was the air vents. As I was looking at a video on how to pick locks, and how to put bugging systems in, I heard from the other side of the room this BOOM BOOM BOOM. Walking over, I thought I saw a body passing past the widow on an air vent that was extremely low (for a vent). I looked around where the air vent ended, and there I saw a stair case that led up to it.

Oh, I thought. The air vent must have an entrance, and kids must come up it and come down. Coming around and seeing the other side of it, I saw a small staircase leading up into the vent. Climbing up, a sign said to be as quiet as possible, and that a monitor would alert you if you were too loud.

I scurried up, and was now traveling (crawling actually) in a dark land. Sweat running down my brow, my hands pressing upon the cold stone, my fingers aching as if something is cutting them off. Then, I pass by windows, trying to stay as quiet as possible. I see my dad looking around in search of me. Then, as I see light ahead...

Now, this story can go two ways. If you want, you can read both.

In the remainder of this post, is the reality version. In another blog post, is the way I wanted it to happen. In that is real secret agents, a car chase, and a pretty girl. Now, pick.

1: Get off this blog post now and read the fiction version.

2: Continue reading this one and read the reality version

3: And, if you want, you can read both in any order you like.

Reality: Then, as I see a light ahead...

I see a light ahead. (no surprises.)

I walk down the latter, and go back and see Dad.

We went into a library, learned about the Founding Fathers' Spies, and learned about Civil War spies. All very interesting.

We look at more stuff, and see stuff about the atomic bomb(WWII spies) the Cold War(U.S.S.R. v.s. U.S.A.) and the newly found cyber threats(electric grid shutdowns, firewall destruction) and we saw a James Bond episode. That was cheesy.

The cyber attack exhibit really made me think about the probability of a cyber attack. It really sounds like a scary thing.

Then, as we neared the end of the exhibit, I was led into a room. A man in black asked me to sit down. I felt very uneasy.

"Hello son," he said in a deep ugly voice. "What's your name?"

"Why do I have to answer that question?"


"I have the right to remain silent."

He looked me in the eyes. "No, you don't."

"Yes, I do."





"No." (This went on for a while)

"Billy Henderson," I said quickly.

He was in the habit of it, so he didn't catch it. "No."

"Billy Henderson."

"N... wait what?

"Billy Henderson," I repeated. "That's my name."



"Place of birth?"

"Abello, Spain."

"Country of residence?"

"United States of America."

"Location you are going to?"

"London, England."

"Reason of going?"


"Well, son, good job, you rembered all the material. Please enjoy our gift shop, and enjoy your stay at the International Spy Museum. " He handed me a sticker.

"Keep it."

So, we got into the gift shop, and I got a cool spy vest. We left the museum, and ate a small dinner at the Subways across the street. Then, we arrived at home, and I told Mom and Rebecca all about our adventures. Then, we ate tuna surprise, watched the movie Unstoppable, and then went to bed.

For now, The Bourne Supracmency is out.

License to kill,


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