Thursday, September 8, 2011

Smithsonian Institution: 9/11 Memorial

9/11. It is a day everyone who lived when it happened remembers. I don't remember, because I was only a small child, but based upon the experiences of my parents, and the info I was given about the event, it seems very horrible.

We went to a 9/11 exhibit in the American History Museum two days ago.

It was a temporary exhibit, lasting only from Sept. 1 to Sept. 11, 2001. So, arriving at the American History Museum, we went up two floors and got into line. It took a long time for us to get in, but the line finally moved enough for us to go through. It was very sad, with seeing all the debris and shingles found from the two towers, and the plane bits that came down in PA. The Pentagon wreckage was also very sad. It is hard to think that a human being (Bin Laden) would do all this damage, killing numerous Innocent lives and sleeping like a baby that night. It makes my shake my head in disgust.

Of course, he's gone now. But the wound is not healed entirely. Families will still grieve and survivors will still have nightmares. And he goes down as a some eyes.

But this is a blog, not a political article. I tend to state my opinions a little too much.

Anyway, we saw a movie about 9/11 and we wrote notes that we put into a bin. Then, we went into a part of the museum that we didn't see before, just because we didn't have time. There, we learned about science, science in America, and did a cool experiment in a hands-on lab.

Later, we ate at a restaurant, McCormick and Schmicks and ate some good food. After that, we went home, and chilled out. That night, I finished the Lord of The Rings trilogy by ending the last chapter of the third book, The Return of the King.

That makes 3. (one was The Fellowship of the Ring, two was The Two Towers, and three... well you already know that).

The next day I would be beginning a fast paced novel called the Hunger Games.

Gollum want the Precious! (only a limited amount of people will know who I'm talking about),

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