Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Last Time at Lineville, with Rebecca Part 1

Artsy. Fun. Pretty. Nice. A little bit of a brat sometimes, but most of the time kind. These words describe my wonderful sister Rebecca. It is her Birthday today. I hope you have a great day Rebecca, and I'm so glad you're my sister. We've had a lot of great times together. You'll have a fantastic time in life, I know you will.

Crazy sometimes

Now to the blog. Coincidentally the story today is about an adventure Rebecca and I went on. I urged her to come, as she had not been to the Dealership yet. She had to go before we left Roswell, I mean, she just had to. And if she didn't, we'd put her in a straight jacket and drag her there. Oh, well maybe we wouldn't be THAT extreme, but we'd persuade her to come. And she said she would, believe it or not. In the morning I was woken up by Dad, saying I had to get up and I said, "I'm ready," as I quickly got up on the right side, and got my clothes, then went upstairs and took a shower. Rebecca was in the bed with Mom, asleep. I got dressed and got my computer into the bag. Rebecca was woken up and got dressed, but took no shower. We were getting ready to go, and were chop- chopped a lot. Dad didn't spill any coffee this time as I took the A.M.E. book, and said goodbye to Mom. She wasn't coming because she had other things to do, and wanted to see Ma Poc and Pop for a last time. I wanted to see them too, but I had told the folks at the dealership that I was coming for one last time, and I wanted Rebecca to see them again. Surprisingly, Mom didn't know Rebecca was going until the day of, and had to call back her parents she wasn't going to see them. She was surprised she hadn't been told, but arranged that we would see them at dinner, and we'd get the best of both worlds, seriously, not just in a Hannah Montana song.

We got outside, and Rebecca had a backpack full of some funny stuff, like a bird which can balance on anything (so cool) and a blue and pink ball that when thrown goes inside out, switching colors. She also had some bouncy balls and books to keep her not bored. We went outside to the car, and saw Uncle Dean coming in. He was coming with us, because he and Dad were going to a meeting with the Alabama Power guys, to talk about a marina and a campground. Dean wanted to help out, probably with the marina section. They were going to a meeting while Don, Cavin, Rebecca and I went to the High Points. We had tried to go with Westin before, but it was closed. High Points was a restaurant and bookstore, so I brought along a wallet. We got all the stuff in the Chrysler 300, putting the computer bag between Rebecca and I on the hump. We said hello to Dean as we all pulled out, and we talked to him a little. As we drove out of Roswell into Atlanta, I read about electric stuff and about birds of prey, all in the A.M.E. book. It was cool to learn about birds, and interesting how they move and what they eat, their habits. Also, the prior day had been National Bird Day, so it kind of corresponded with what had happened the earlier day. I talked to Dean and asked him some questions of early life and his favorite boat, but he more talked to Dad and is not a real talker.

Rebecca looked around and played on her phone, a new game called Temple Run. Dad was planning to go to the Martin's again, the place we had also gone to with Westin. On the highway, a good thirty minutes later we were in Douglasville, and got to the diner on the hill full of buildings, seeing the weird car we saw earlier. It was more crowded than before, and we got a car as others went by in the drive through. We quickly passed by. Dean went to the restroom as we got in line. I decided to try something new, so I got bacon egg and cheese, not sausage egg and cheese which I got prior. As we reunited with Dean and got a table (the same one as before) after we got the biscuits. I saw some of the patrons I had seen prior, which was kind of cool. We talked about some different things in the time. It was bad, the biscuit was, or at least worse than the one before. I guess it was a bad combination. Rebecca didn't really want anything, but got a buttered plain biscuit and ate a little with milk. I got again two milks. It was alright. After the meal we got in the car again and drove on. At this point I got out my computer, but could not do the internet because I couldn't hook up to a wifi, as we were traveling.

I can in the R.V., because we have a mobile card, but not in the jeep. Should of taken it. Oh well. On the drive over, Rebecca and I talked a little and did rock, paper, scissors, shoot! but she also read. Her Paradise Bird (the balancing one) was balanced on. As we passed the Georgia/Alabama line, the time changed and went one hour back. Then we stopped at a gas station in a small farming town by Lineville, and we stretched our legs and had a little race by the electric pole. I won, although Rebecca will either never admit it or say some excuse. Girls. We got back in the car as my computer died, and got out of batteries. I carefully placed it back in. We were pretty close now. And then it appeared. The Dealership. We drove up the aisles of cars, and came behind the front entrance that goes in a little corner of the building, going into Dad's office. In the car we decided to walk in casually, and pretend we're not there, just passing by. We walked into the office and then came out into the lobby, and I saw Don Shepherd. We tried to go into the back hallway without him seeing us, but he spotted us and I waved slightly, and quietly said, "Hey" as we went back. We put some stuff in the conference room, and passed by the break room and where Tammy sits, seeing her surprised look. I love that look.

She said hello and hugged Rebecca, glad to see her. Joan said hello to her also as she came back to say hi to us. A lot of exclamations of joy and surprise. She asked Rebecca some questions about the trip as I went around, and talked to Don. Rebecca said hello to Kristen as they talked, and then we both went to talk to Don. As we talked to Don about some things, Jason came over. Rebecca had had her switch pitch. He said hi as he took and played with the ball, and Joan was showed the paradise bird. They would continue to play with that, together, and even go online to try to find one. They even ordered a few. Everybody was glad and excited Rebecca was there. And I was glad to see how the day would turn out. As Rebecca conversed with the people, meeting them again and catching up for more than 6 months. It was funny to see her talking in her usual fast great style. Dad and Dean came in and told us he was going to their building, the Alabama Power building. I was going to talk to Cavin, but he was talking to his family, two ladies with some kids, his cousins or something. In the meantime, we talked. Dad had told Don that he and Cavin were taking us to High Points to eat, and then left. Rebecca didn't know at the beginning, but when I told her she reacted surprised.

It was going to be a great day, I thought. Cavin was still talking to his folks as we stayed around. Don was ready to go too. As we waited, Jason came over and after a few minutes of talking, said that in sign language, a guy called him a blabber mouth, full of talk. He gave him a sign for it. And he gave me a sign, instead of one finger up against the head(for thinker) he made it an A sign, which is basically a clenched fist with your thumb up. It was a nice compliment. Rebecca got the beautiful sign, a hand over a face moving the fingers, which at the end turns into an R. Jason is really smart and nice. Thanks for the sign names man. After talking and getting to know people after 6 months(for Rebecca), Cavin declared we were leaving. I was really excited. Don, Cavin, Rebecca, and I, got into a white ram truck that was pretty cool, and then we drove off. The day was to be great, or... so it seemed.

TO BE CONTINUED... (FOR END OF STORY READ "Last Time at Lineville, with Rebecca")

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