Monday, January 2, 2012

The Poje Day Part One

On the 27th of December in 2011, it really was a Poje day. Before I begin the story though, let me first state that Poje, is pronounced (PO-JAY) and that's why I put day behind it, to make a nice rhyming thing. The Poje's are Westin, Elise, Julia, Mr. Poje (or Mr. Matt) and Mrs. Poje, (aka Mrs. Deedee) They are our very good friends, and have been in many blogs before. In the morning as we dressed and didn't plan to do anything particular that day, thinking of cleaning and blogging, Elise texted Rebecca, asking if she could come over. An hour or so later the request happened, us driving over to their house to pick them up. It was the first time I had seen their house since we had been in Roswell for the holidays, and I looked with joy as I saw their tall house on the hill with a steep driveway, the trees and grass in a curved position on the left, and the brick and white roof, also the garage on the right and porch and front door further to the left. We went inside seeing the big den with the T.V., couches, small tables and hallway going to the left, and kitchen to the right, and the door at the end of the room going to the back porch. We were let in as Westin and I talked a little, looking at all the Christmas Nutcrackers and such. We talked about different things as we walked to his room, seeing the bathroom, and then his with many dressers and tables, plus an army style bed. I saw the book I loaned him earlier in the month Chasing Lincoln's Killer a book we purchased in Springfield, IL, where we saw Lincoln's adult home, museum, and business. The book is about the manhunt of John Wilkes Booth. So I read it and loaned it to him, and now he's reading it. While we were in his room he handed to me Blood on the River (a book I read and he read). I got it in Jamestown, and it's a historical fiction about a kid who survives Indians, harsh winters, and other things in Jamestown's first year. He gave it back for me to take back to my home.

We talked to the girls in now Julia's room (about the Justin Bieber doll Elise hates), and went to the kitchen where we saw the entrance to the garage, the kitchen itself, and a counter where you sit and a table to eat. In an open room is Elise's room. It has drapes for doors, and is also very inviting. After looking at all there rooms we went outside and saw the big back porch with wooden stuff and then the trampoline, the fieldy area, and the little forest in back. I was glad to lay eyes again on their house. But it wasn't finished yet. In the basement we went and saw the area where a T.V. and couch was, and then a guest room and bathroom. That intercedes with a left hallway, and on that hallway is a closet full of old toys and stuff, a storage area with decorations, an exercise room, another room with couch facing the back yard, and then Mr. Matt's office. In there are computers, a desk, papers, and many other things galore. We talked to Mr. Matt a little, and then went back. In this basement, I would see and do many INTERESTING things, later that day. Westin showed me this cool game system called Kinect, where literally you don't have to use anything, no controller, no nothing, except for yourself. We played tennis with just our hands, knocking balls in a holding a racket position. It was amazing. Crazy. We live in amazing times.

Mrs. Deedee asked us if we wanted to stay at her house or go to our house. I said I didn't really care at all. So Westin and I went in the car with the girls, to our house. I showed him the N.G. Almanac, which I had been so vividly interested for the last few days. Pretty soon we got home. We got out of the car and went up the back way, and got into my room. Westin asked if we could make a lego plane, one of the presents I got for Christmas. It was a plane, and could be made into three ways. We did the sea plane one, and it was orange, with white wings and grey was a part of it also. We went through all the steps in the small booklet, after taking the legos out from the plastic bag. It only took a minute, him doing a step and then me doing a step. There were some parts left over after we made it, and so we added a propeller in the middle between the end plank and the front wings, and did other little things to add our own twist. It was pretty fun. After doing this Westin left his iPod touch on the desk with my stationary computer on it, saying,"I am leaving my iPod Touch right here." This would come back to haunt him. We went outside in the cold winter air, by the pool and the woods. We talked about different friends we knew, and we went in the back where the woods are, and saw the fort I made some summers ago with Rebecca and my neighbor Rowdy. We didn't look at it as we saw the broken tree and the wooden planks, a makeshift bridge. In that area too is pool engine stuff. There's a tree with a whole in it, and in the fort we use it as the outdoor restroom. I had to go, so it was very convenient. Do I need to describe more?

We walked down where trailers are, one a green outdoor one that we opened up, others being closed and white. We pretended being locked up, and it was cool to be inside almost total darkness. We did a small game. After that we played a game outside and then went inside and joined the girls, who were playing wii. We then ate lunch in Dad's office, and had a pretty good time with that. But then Westin and Mom tried to work out the FaceTime problem (Westin tried to F.T. call me a day earlier, but it didn't work), and Westin went to get his iPod Touch. He didn't find it there. We all went looking all around the house, trying to find this very sneaky electronic device. Finally Westin saw it in his jacket. After he said "I'm gonna leave it here" he said, "You know what I think it's fine to put it in my jacket". We went back downstairs to the basement, and played wii and such until Mrs. Deedee came down, and Mom and her talked for a while they showed us a cool app called Voxer, sending a voice message that is like a text. It's cool. Rebecca had to go out to ice cream with a few of her friends, so Mrs. Deedee, and the girls and Westin were going to leave. Mrs. Deedee offered for them to take me to their house, and that I could play with them for a while. Happily, I obliged.

On the way over in their silver car, I talked to them about going back on the trip and things of that matter. At their house we got Westin's bb gun; in the car he said we were going to a kid named Jacob's house, and we were going to shoot targets with the bb's. I had already met this Jacob long before we left, a friend of Westin's in his neighborhood. I have also met his friends Chase, Cole, and many others. I have been with sleepovers with them, been in a tent with some, wrestled with others (and have gotten injuries), have made movies with some, have ridden bikes and seen fires with some, have fished with others also, and I can name at least a hundred experiences and adventures with those kids. They are mostly rough, all of them liking sports and rap music. Some of them are big, and some little. With Jacob personally I have played one-on-one with basketball, in a person's property. He beat me by one point. We wanted to know if he and I were on the same level of performance. I was already tired that day, and didn't really want to do it. Also, I'm not very good at basketball and was only on a team two times, versus Jacob's career of teams. But he won. And he was good. I am not making excuses of him beating me. He won fair and square. Actually he won fair and rectangle but no matter.

So Julia, Elise, Westin, and me traveled to Jacob's house, with a bb gun, a book (Redwall) , and our clothes. We went through people's property, and around the neighborhood up and down hills and by houses. We went through one person's yard that had trash everywhere, going along the yard. It was a foresty yard though. Behind that was another yard, with a stream down at the foot of a hill and a lot of trees, with the wet forest dew still fresh on the ground. There was a house with a basement, and decks. We saw a small kid, a bigger kid, with a bb gun, and a black haired man who was the father of the kids. He had a hat. Let me now describe Jacob. He is tall, pretty big, and has big bangs with down locks, and brown hair. Pretty nice guy. They had targets, paper ones, on a tree. They had little sliver balls that they cocked into their weapons, and pointed, leaned up against something or squat, took it off safety, and then fired. It wasn't too loud, just made a slight pop and wheeze. I have heard louder, a lot louder. I stayed in the back as their dad kept telling them he was going inside, with the little brother Powell, and to not aim at anyone and to shut the door when done. He kept saying that, although kept coming in and out of a little garage that was on a side door, in and out, in and out. A trampoline was right by us, and so I read leaned against it. As two mice in the book tried to solve a mystery that had the potential to save a abbey, two kids of the opposite kind shot at harmless trees and into creeks, the dad making them get propped up on a plastic chair. Two opposites. In fiction, saving. In reality, destroying. Although they didn't hurt anything too bad though.

I was asked if I wanted to give it a try. Sure, what the heck! I've shot a real gun, sure I'll be a natural at this bb gun. I was propped up against it, my chin on the barrel, my eye looking through the scope, my eyes also not seeing the blamed target further down the hill. We tried everything from adjusting it, my face going up and down for me to see it, and Jacob's dad helped me a lot, very helpful he was. To the others he cussed. Anyway I shot at the tree, and it bounced off. I made a little chip. Later we looked down at our shots and put stickers on above the marks to allow it to be able to shoot further. Westin shot in the creek. A mere puddle, a bounce, the ball going away into oblivion. And when I mean oblivion, I just mean somewhere else. Later we went in the dusty dirty part where tools and motorcycles are. We stayed in there for a while, and then went into a basement that had a big nice couch that was hard and flat, and a lot of Auburn stuff around the room. And a T.V., projector included. We listened to dumb rap music, played games on the devices, and then went upstairs through a kitchen, and then in a den where girl presents were spread throughout and a large T.V. boomed. A mom and a little shiatsu were all snug in a reclining chair, blanket on them. Emma, brown haired, was playing with some of her many gifts on the floor with Elise and Julia. Emma. The infamous girl who made my sister's white boots brown, chipping them off and making them dirty all because Elise played with Rebecca more. Emma. Revenge was in my mind. Revenge. I waited for the right time, when shoes were off and puddles, mud and other things were close by. Revenge.

I'm kidding, okay? I did text Rebecca and ask her what to do, and Emma didn't even know what I was talking about. Oh well. No revenge. I'm glad too. I don't like to do things like that anyway. We all decided to go back to the Poje's house, and went there together. A lady in a car, Chase's mom, stopped us. We talked before we played around with stuff and sticks, in the front yard, and then went inside. I thought that I had had a pretty fun day so far, and that it was almost over. Well, as I would find out later, this was JUST the beginning.



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