Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Westin and I's Excursion to Lineville, AL Part 3


Zombies on all sides. Fake, of course. I splattered their guts all around, as they approached me. I followed the guys, Westin and Jeffry, into the customer waiting room and out into the large roofed service shop. We shot as they came down from the ceiling, using our invisible weapons against our foes. We talked with each other if we should go into the parts store, where Jeffry's dad, Jeff Diggs was, and went upstairs. We asked Mr. Diggs. He said it was fine as long as we didn't fall off. We passed through the room, seeing the aisles of car parts and screws. We opened a locked door and went up creeping stairs, coming up to a dusty dirty second floor that overlooked the service shop. We went in front of the shelves, seeing Jeff Harris and all the mechanics talking on the counters and computer desks, speaking of different things. We looked at the concrete floor, the car lifts, and Westin was very excited about being up there. We pretended to hear the zombie's plan as we killed them, and they kept staying in the shadows, waiting for a vulnerable time to strike!

They came upon us as shots rang wild. Harse was bitten and taken into the back, and was about to be controlled and a danger to his fellow man. As if to display mercy and not make Harse go through the terrible bone retching experience, Housenhour shot Harse in the head. Sad, but, what else was he gonna do? Spare his life and make his own at stake as Harse turned into a zombie? Well, they found a captive who was alive and well, a retired marine. But I turned into Housenhour as Westin became the marine. I got turned by a poison, toxic in the air. I said to go away, and then came down. Jeffry and Westin ran down the stairs. I pretended to be a zombie, running through the door down the staircase. I opened the door barely as Westin shot behind a wall in the hallway between the cabinet room and the service center, coming back and forth. Then I ran out, and was shot by Westin on the way out, him being on the counter looking at the parts store. I was dead, as the zombie. We played outside again, and I came back as Saudi Ali, who miraculously survived. I mean, we continued to play outside and Luke died by the rocks, and other stuff happened too later, but it got kind of old, you know. If you play a game for too long it gets old.

As sunset came, we got hungry and ate our sandwiches, in the break room while listening to Jeffry's songs on his iPod. Before then, he had said things like he was faster and smarter, not to mention stronger, as we gave him a chase and went around cars, just joking around. Oh well. Kids will be kids. After doing that, we were sad to discover, the visit was over. Jerry and Tim had already left, and I believe Don too. I said goodbye to Jason and Kristin as Dad told me to leave, talking to Irving Thompson (Kristin's dad). I put up my computer and books, and got ready to go. Westin had really brought nothing and so had nothing to lose. So we said goodbye, saying I would see them again on Wednesday or Friday. At least, I hope I would. We would see, we would see...

We got everything together in the car, having said goodbye to everyone. We drove off and next thing I knew we were spreading funny stories and doing photo booth, a program on my mac, as we drove home. We stopped at a big gas station and got waters, blueberry muffins and bananas, 'cause they got a good deal. It was a clean, big store. We did some other things as we drove home. It was a good time, and we texted and called family members like Rebecca and Elise ,telling when we would be close and stuff. The minutes moved like hours, and it took a while to get to Atlanta. Westin had showed his money he had in his pocket, saying he could buy firecrackers. Dad said he didn't think Mr. Matt would like that, and so withdrew that. The muffins were good though. We passed by our house as we went to his, and dropped him off and watched him get inside. He had a fun great time, and I'm glad he did. I had a wonderful time also. Well, we got home, everyone basically tired out. And we were too. Went to sleep. I had a great day at the dealership, talking to employees, playing on the hill and around the cars, doing tag and zombies in the car place, it was all really fun. I enjoyed it a lot. Goodbye, for now.

I need to fart, and I'm trying to, but I just can't,

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