Thursday, August 18, 2011

Living in a moving house

Living in a moving house is rather exciting. Each time we stop, we are at a new "neighborhood" (RV park) with different people every time. I've been to really nice R.V. Parks, and really poor ones. All are different from another.

Also, we always have to leave, getting the people's contact info and saying goodbye. We are nomads.

Before we leave the campsite, we load our bikes onto the jeep and hook up the jeep to the RV. We also get everything position to move in the sides of the RV. The "slides" are out at the campgrounds and in while we are driving. We also try to secure everything for the trip, but mostly we miss a thing or two.

Also, when we are moving, there is no space, save a small hallway. I'm usually at the computer, blogging away. Usually Rebecca is on her couch, and Mom and Dad are in the front. While we are moving, it is never quiet. There is the banging and bumping...don't forget falling, all are natural sounds for us. Let me show you a normal moving day for us.

(sound of something falling)



DAD: (yelling) PICK THAT UP!

Rebecca: Pick it up! (talking to me)

Me: (getting out of chair, picking things up.) Rebecca, it's your stuff!

Rebecca: (in blanket, cuddling with dogs) I'm comfortable!

Me: (mad sigh) Really?

Rebecca: I'm sorry! I'll do it next time!

Me: Yeah, sure you will.

Dad: Will you too just quit bickering and PICK THAT UP!

Thus is a normal moving day in the Bourne family

I'm sorry you had to bear that.

Anyway, there is a lot of bumping and sounds. The motor is also very loud.

Although it is strenuous sometimes, this Intrigue 530 (our R.V.) has become home. It is 45 ft long, with the driver and passenger seats, two couches (which also pull out into our beds), the kitchen on one side and a dining table on the other side. Then there is the fridge, the bathroom and a shower. Next is the master bedroom. Home sweet R.V.

I hope when we return, you will get a final look at our moving house before we sell it.

y'ALL have a great day!

Today we are going to Connecticut,

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