Friday, August 5, 2011

Martha's Vineyard

Monday, the 32nd, (really the first of August) we embarked to go on a ferry going to Martha's Vineyard, an island off of Cape Cod. We parked into a parking lot very far away from the ferry, and took a shuttle that would go to the departing dock.

On the shuttle, we met a senior in college named Catherine, who had brown brownies in her lap. I had asked her if she had family on the island or was going to a party. She said she did have family there and she was going to a party. She asked me if I wanted one. I said no, but thank you. She asked Rebecca the same question, and Rebecca said, "Sure," and took a brownie.

Catherine was so nice! She even talked to me about the book I was reading, The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of The Ring. It was fun.

When at the dock, the family and I went into a little building and purchased tickets. Then, we waited outside for the ferry to come. When it did, I noticed it was huge! The thing looked like a baby cruise ship. It had white outsides, and black windows. Really big.

A ramp connected to the ferry that then spun around and connected to the dock. We boarded and it was cool. We went up a few levels on the boat, and finally got to the top, and the front. It was an area in the bow of the ship, untouched by shade or roof. It was just an open area with a rail and rows of chairs. It was so cool to go across, seeing little sailboats and other ships. We then docked at Vineyard Haven, and rented a Chevy Malibu. It was a nice little grey car.

Touring Martha's Vineyard was fun: we saw amazing little homes that had colorful trims and wondrous structures. They were called Ginger Bread Houses.

We also stayed at a cool restaurant, and saw a guy perform an act with sticks called Devil Sticks. He balanced a stick in the air with two other sticks. So cool.

I also tried Clam Chowder at that place. Also there were two interesting characters with no shirts on, but yet ties. It was weird.

On the ferry back, we talked to an interesting lady named Marsha, she told us about a lot of different places. She also "set" our curriculum.(inside joke)

On the shuttle back, a few kids (boys) and their dad were talking of marvel superheroes.

"Thor is better!"




I came back to Peter's Pond, and softly went to sleep.

It is my b-day today (not the day I am writing about, but the day I am actually writing this blog).


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