Saturday, August 20, 2011

Stuff in Springfield,MA

We left Sodom Mountain Campground at about 1:00 on Friday, August 19th, already having washed the motor home and doing some school work. We ate a common lunch at a place called the Summer House, and drove to Springfield, MA, where we would be going to The Science Museum and The Springfield History Museum. Since the notorious Dr. Seuss lived in Springfield,MA, they had a sculpture garden with all his characters on it, in his honour.

We got to Springfield, and parked in the Historical District, and saw that all of the museums which were right by each other.

The sculptures we saw first, posing with the Lorax and Horton Hears a Who. He(Horton) was very cool, having his left foot up in the air, and the flower in his trunk.

Among other characters, there were, on the platform around Horton, Sam I am, Sally, Thing 1, Thing 2, and some others.

Crouching behind the great book that has The "Oh the places you'll go!" story on it, was The Grinch and his dog Jack. They were good too.

Finally, standing by Dr. Seuss (his statue) at his desk writing, was the one, the only, The Hat in the Ca... I mean... The Cat in the Hat. Sorry about my blunder (that was embarrassing).

We left the garden, and then walked into the Science Museum. We first had to go through a gift shop, but we got into it. There on the first floor was animal stuffings and Indian tools. That was very interesting. Next, on the second floor was space, and rocks. It was cool to go onto a scale, that when you step on it, tells your weight on all the planets. On the moon I weigh 16.5 lbs! On Jupiter like 300! Anyway, there were so many rocks up there. And they weren't just normal rocks. They were gems and crystals. There were also quartz, silver, rhicrondite, ancrondite, and many others They sparkled, reflecting their great colors of orange and green and purple. Some were smooth, having crystals inside. Some spun around themselves, making balls of crystals. Some even had the weirdest shapes, looking like a spiral staircase. It was amazing.

Also cool was an exhibit about asteroid particles, which I got to look under using a magnifying glass. Also in that room, was a monitor where you got to choose the velocity and diameter, not to mention the speed and strength, of a meteorite hitting a target on some planet. Very fun to see the animated asteroid hit the fake planet.

Dad and I, after seeing all we wanted to see, went across the street to the Springfield History Museum, and for the last 30 minutes of it's opening, saw the firearms of Smith and Wesson, and saw Indian Motorcycles. It was really cool.

We went to the grocery store, and decided we wanted to have a cook out, but it was short lived. It started pouring, and we rushed to get the groceries inside. Lon g story short, we didn't have a campfire. Oh well.

Reduce Stress. Then Rest.,

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